UK News

Drivers Could Receive a Fine for Having a Messy Car

Drivers Could Receive a Fine for Having a Messy Car
UK News

Drivers Could Receive a Fine for Having a Messy Car

Drivers Could Receive a Fine for Having a Messy Car

Drivers could receive a fine for having a messy car. According to reports, being caught with clutter that impacts your ability to drive safely could result in an on-the-spot £100 fine and three penalty points on your license.

Although there is currently no law that specifies how clean your car should be, if the state of your car becomes a safety hazard or negatively impacts your ability to drive, it is against the law. For example, clutter obstructing the driver from clear access to the brake, accelerator and clutch will be seen as a significant safety hazard and the driver will therefore be liable for a fine.

Besides clutter, the rule also applies to the cleanliness of your car. So, if your windscreen is too filthy to effectively see-through or if your number plate has become too hard to read, you could face similar fines.These instances will be classed under "driving without due care and attention' and can be punished with an instant fine and three points on your driving license. More serious cases can expect a £2,500 fine and possibly even a driving ban.Professionals have advised that keeping your car clutter-free should be a general rule of practice.

Doing so helps avoid any dangerous situations such as finding items stuck underneath your brake or an item on the headboard blocking your view of the road.For those who do lean on the messier side of car ownership, having a bin in your car can be a great solution in ensuring things do not get out of hand.An expert noted that it is also crucial to clean and clear your mirrors after driving as "any kind of dirt or grime on the windscreen can be incredibly dangerous" in terms of impacting your view of the road ahead.Having a dirty windscreen can be seen as careless driving and land motorists with a fine of up to £100.

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April 11, 2022